Happier Things | 02.24.2013

Here are five things making me happy today!

One: Huckleberry!

Skeptical dog is not a fan of laptops on the couch.

Skeptical dog is not a fan of laptops on the couch.

Two: Discovering Incidental Comics (thanks to Buckling Bookshelves)! Here are two notable favorites (click through to see full comics); I’m sure there will be more to sprinkle in my posts from here on out.

drugs-blog banthisbook-blog

Three: Battlestar Galactica. I started watching the series over the summer and recently resumed. I’m now on the first episode of Season 4 (I’m not counting that “what happened on Pegasus feature”) and this show is awesome. It’s a great sci-fi series with plenty of modern issues centering around identity: not only do you get the Human/Cylon issues, you also get questions about race, gender, immigration, religion, public health, labor – just to name a few.


Four: Lots of tea, specifically Revolution Tropical Green Tea. Yummy!

green-teaFive: Butter London nail polish. I’m doing some different nail art today in this vein with Yummy Mummy, Fash Pack, and Union Jack Black. I’ll post later as a PITWI feature!


Bonus: Obligatory Academy Awards mention. Yeah, I have winners for whom I’m rooting. COME ON, HILARIOUS BEN STILLER AWARD PRESENTATION!